I'm constantly being detected, did they nerf stealth like a mofo? It was originally piloted by Titans' Rosamia Badam and subsequently by Neo Zeon's Ple Two. i wish there was a weapon repair kit type item you could get for armor. When poisoned by a cazador, the suit will dispense a stimpak if available and cure the poison while also increasing your health. Whoops, just repaired my Varmint Rifle with my AM-Rifle+. DT14item HP500effectsAll of the effects stack: Sneak +15 (Firmware v1.0) Sneak +10 (Firmware v1.1) Perception +1 (Firmware v1.2) Agility +1 (Firmware v1.3) Movement-speed while crouched +20% (Firmware v1.4)weight25value7500repairCombat armor … Thanks. The suit itself has a … x25pxx40px Old World Blues unique armorStealth suit Mk II0x220px30x30pxSlealth suit Mk II (Dialogue NVDLC03StealthSuitVoiceCr.txt) Loading.

Nightstalker research in X-13 ran concurrently to the stealth suit's development, and was also intended for the war effort, X-13 research facility terminals#Test Area A - Review, X-13 research facility terminals#Mk II Torso_Research, X-13 research facility terminals#Mk II Glove Research, X-13 research facility terminals#Mk II Boot Research, Auto-Doc Upgrade: Hair Styling Enhancements, Dog and lobotomite splicing experiment holotape, Dog and robot splicing experiment holotape, Main Computer Upgrade: K9000 Mod "Mentat Chow", Main Computer Upgrade: K9000 Mod "Resla Roil", Main Computer Upgrade: LAER Mod "Auxiliary Recharger Chip", Main Computer Upgrade: LAER Mod "Prismatic Lens", Robot and nightstalker splicing experiment holotape, Sink Project: Biological Research Station. Upload Download Add to wardrobe 4px arm (Classic) Background Stealth Suit MK II vilhauered. Stealth Suit Mk II on a companion So I've got the stealth suit mk ii fully upgraded. If you are willing to get caps for karma, that is. I wish I could combine it with a duster, for techno badass. New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast.