This phenomenon is strictly forbidden in Islam. Lesbianism refers to the physical or sexual relationship between two women, a woman is cannot have any sexual relation with another woman. So the top 10 banned things in Islam Religion for women are:

So when it comes to rights, Islam has given equal rights to woman as a man, yet there are few restrictions for Women in Islam but they are for their own benefits. The only difference between a man and a woman is the way of their physical conducts. Women are equal to men in brain, capabilities and talents. Women have been created to make the life a bit easier for men because a man remains incomplete without a woman but it is the responsibility of a man to protect a woman. Women are different from men in physical ways therefore they much more vulnerable than men and they require extra care. The main problem with women rights begin men made them realize again and again that they are some unique creature, the women were treated in such a way that they were forced to think of themselves as something other than normal human and this is the point where a need of the women rights was felt. Rights provided to the women by the western society were given after the arrival of Islam, Islam is the religion which utterly respects women and always stands up for them.

Islam is the first religion to give so many rights to women, though there are many other religions but none of them facilitates women the way Islam does.

Islam provides a complete code of life regarding how we should lead our lives, it has knowledge related to the basic as well as technical problem of life, and it gives solution for the scientific as well economical problems. The main postulate of this religion is that it provides liberty to not only men & women but to all other creatures, it accommodates rights of men, women, children, adults, even animals. Founded by prophet Muhammad (PBUH) nearly 14 centuries ago, Islam is the world’s most sensible and sophisticated religion. Islam is one of the world’s leading religions and it has followers from all over the world. 10 things Banned in Islam Religion for Women