Windows 10 photos crash
Windows 10 photos crash

windows 10 photos crash

  • Cannot place flat ride after removing it in construction window.
  • Crash when rides/stalls are demolished.
  • Crash when hovering over water types in Object Selection.
  • Crash in lightfx_add_lights_magic_vehicle().
  • Plugin: incorrect label text alignment.
  • Track Designs Manager delete confirmation window doesn't display properly.
  • ToonTowner's mine roofs were moved into the pirate theme scenery group instead of the mine theme scenery group.
  • Exported SV6 files cause vanilla RCT2 to hang.
  • Crash when placing entrances in the scenario editor near the map corner.
  • “Extreme Hawaiian Island” has unpurchaseable land tiles (original bug).
  • ImageImporter incorrectly remaps colours outside the RCT2 palette.
  • Rides with invisibility hacks sometimes behave incorrectly.
  • Closing the Track Designs Manager window causes broken state.
  • “Dome park” no longer renders dome correctly.
  • Creating a scenario based on a won save game results in a scenario that’s instantly won.
  • New vehicles do not appear in vehicle type dropdown.
  • Track Designs with missing path(s) do not use alternate pathways.
  • New vehicle animation type: flying animal.
  • Added a bug-report item in file dropdown menu.
  • Add guest properties, ride downtime and park casualty penalty.
  • Add the ability to create entities using "map.createEntity".
  • Highlight elements selected by the Tile Inspector, tracks are currently not supported.
  • Added a shortcut key for Giant Screenshot.
  • Allow building chain lifts on enclosed dinghy slide pieces when cheats are on.
  • Follow ride/guest/staff in main window viewport.
  • Initial support for using TTF in OpenGL mode (still contains bugs).
  • In deze uitgave zijn de volgende veranderingen en verbeteringen aangebracht: New: Om het te kunnen spelen is het overigens wel noodzakelijk om het originele spel te hebben, want het heeft onder meer geluidsbestanden en de afbeeldingen nodig. Het is hiermee vergelijkbaar met bijvoorbeeld OpenTTD.

    windows 10 photos crash

    Het project probeert zo veel mogelijk op het origineel te lijken, maar is in een moderne taal geschreven wat uitbreidingen en verbeteringen mogelijk maakt.

    windows 10 photos crash

    Versie 0.3.5 van OpenRCT2 uitgekomen, de opensource-versie van RollerCoaster Tycoon 2.

    Windows 10 photos crash